Focus Modules
On 31 December 2023, the fit4internet association and Section V "Digitalisation" of the State Secretariat for Digitalisation and Telecommunications in the Federal Ministry of Finance dissolved the media partnership for the platform. The Digital Kompetenzoffensive (DKO) focuses on all tasks required in the context of public and private sector administration. fit4internet pursues the development of digital competence in Austria, focusing on Austria's economy and labour market. As part of this focus, the Digital Worlds section will also be continued as part of the DKO. For further information, please contact the DKO office at
The power of A.I.
The online learning module "The Power of A.I." provides insights into how artificial intelligence (A.I.) influences our everyday life and how it will continue to change it in the future. However, this learning module is not about programming A.I. systems. Instead, the goal is to get an idea of what A.I. means for our own lives and our future, what benefits A.I. entails and where it could do harm.
We follow the teenager Jessy and the adults Hans and Karin through their daily life. Shopping, watching TV or communicating with friends - everything takes place in the digital space and everyone experiences a digital world that corresponds to their individual preferences. However, how do internet platforms such as Google, Amazon, Netflix and Facebook know what we like and how can they personalise their offers so well? The following content is currently only available in German:
Start the online learning module "The Power of A.I."
The contents presented in the focus module "The Power of A.I." are based on the Digital Competence Framework for Austria - DigComp 2.2 AT and include the areas of competence 0. Foundations and Access, 1. Information and Data Literacy and 4. Safety.
Further links from the online learning module "The Power of A.I.":
- "Elements of AI" - a course offered by the University of Helsinki and the consulting company Reaktor
- Documentation on the "Cambridge Analytics Affair" on Netflix
- "" - an Austrian platform for the safe use of the Internet
- MIT's “Fact Checker FEVER” finds fake news online
- The platform gives an insight into digital professions and required skills.
- For your own digital competency profile, simply go to the "Checking" section and find suitable courses in the fit4internet catalogue in the "Learning" section.
fit4internet partners in this project are:
The principles and contents of the online learning module were designed in workshops. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following institutions that have contributed extensively to the workshops:
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research I DIA Digitalisation Agency | Federation of Austrian Industries I Teach for Austria | TIP Technology and Innovation Partner | University of Vienna | Association mimikama | WIFI Economic Development Institute of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce | Austrian Chamber of Commerce