Critically evaluating and interpreting data, information and digital content
This is the partial competence 1.2 in the competence area 1 “Information and data literacy” of the Digital Competence Framework for Austria (DigComp 2.2 AT and DigComp 2.3 AT).
What is it about?
The competent evaluation and interpretation of digital information and content involves the ability to assess the credibility and reliability of information and data sources. This includes the ability to analyse, compare and critically evaluate information and content.
What does it mean in practice?
Through the internet, you have access to all kinds of information at any time, varying greatly in quality. In fact, there are no applicable quality standards or control procedures on the net. Digitally competent people must therefore be able to critically check information and its sources and assess its seriousness. This is especially true if they intend to redistribute this information or data. The dissemination of dubious and false information is partly due to ignorance or lack of information on the part of the persons who create or share it. In other cases, however, motives such as fear and smear campaigning, joking or the desire to deliberately harm or manipulate other people may be driving.
Why is that important?
If you want to find out about things on the internet or form an opinion about current discussions, you have to rely on reputable sources and information. Misinformation can lead to a distorted perception of reality and thus negatively influence the possibilities to participate in public discourse. On the one hand, this is because people are often not sufficiently informed to engage meaningfully on issues. On the other hand, the dissemination of false information tends to have harmful effects on the social climate of discussion.
Where can I continue learning?
On the homepage of fit4internet, you will find further background information on the Digital Competence Framework for Austria under the heading “Understanding”. In the section “Learning”, you will find learning offers to increase your digital competence.