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Mag. Maimuna Mosser

Zur Homepage von Google


Within a few years only, artificial intelligence has fundamentally changed the way technology supports us at work and in everyday life, how we communicate and interact with business partners and customers. Within our Google Zukunftswerkstatt - Gemeinsam für Österreich” initiative, we see that domestic companies are striving for a higher level of digitalization and are very aware of the opportunities associated with it. The topic of artificial intelligence is not only a top priority from Google’s perspective. Today, around 80 percent of our customers already use AI-supported Google products in one form or another. Most small and medium enterprises are also increasingly recognizing the importance of the new digital sales and distribution channels in order to grow their company more resilient as well as to take advantage of growth opportunities. We are very pleased to be part of and support these developments and to be able to offer to anyone interested numerous free webinars, helpful tools and platforms on the topic of AI.