Researcher in Residence
Alexander Schmoelz
Dr. Alexander Schmölz is Professor of Digital Humanism at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna and Managing Director of ÖIBF - the Austrian Institute for Vocational Education and Training Research - and Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal Digital Culture & Education (DCE). He researches and teaches on the topics of humanism and digitalisation with a particular focus on inclusion, co-creativity and competencies in education and training as well as conducive didactic and political framework conditions. In addition to his research and teaching activities, he has been involved in national and international development projects for 20 years, focusing on the digitalisation of education and training and the promotion of digital and didactic skills.
Excerpt of his current publications:
- Schmoelz, A. (2020). Die Conditio Humana im digitalen Zeitalter. Zur Grundlegung des Digitalen Humanismus und des Wiener Manifests. MedienPädagogik. Zeitschrift Für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 20, 208–234.
- Schmoelz, A. (2020). Diversität und Ko-Kreativität im Klassenzimmer. In S. Doff & J. Pfingsthorn (Hrsg.), Media Meets Diversity @ School. Wie kann Lernen und Lehren in der digitalen Welt unter den Vorzeichen von Diversität gelingen? (S. 237–255). Trier: WVT.
- Schlögl, P., Mayerl, M., Löffler, R., & Schmölz, A. (2020). Supra-Company Apprenticeship Training in Austria: A Synopsis of Empirical Findings on a Possibly Early Phase of a New Pillar within VET. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 12(17), 1–17.
- Schmölz, A., Geppert, C., & Barberi, A. (2020). Digitale Kluft: Teilhabebarrieren für Studierende durch universitäres home learning? Medienimpulse, 58(02), 1–26. DOI: 10.21243/mi-02-20-31
- Koenig, O., & Schmoelz, A. (2019). Partizipative Forschung mit Medien. In I. Bosse Schluchter, R. ,. Zorn, I. (Hrsg.), Inklusion und Medienbildung (S. 350–359). Weinheim: Beltz.
- Schmölz, A., Erler, I., Proinger, J., Löffler, R., & Lachmayr, N. (2018). Entwurf eines Modells digitaler Kompetenzen für die Berufsbildung. Medienimpulse: Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, 4(2018), 1-14.
- Schmoelz, A. (2018). Enabling co-creativity through digital storytelling in education, Thinking Skills and Creativity, 28, 1–13, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsc.2018.02.002