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The digisets project

The ability to work in digital and networked environments is one of the key competences for participating in the labour market of the 21st century. The changes and challenges related to this digital transformation at the workplace have affected all industrial sectors, including service industries such as retail and tourism.

The DIGISETS project (2020-1-AT01-KA202-078055) addresses the growing mismatch between existing digital skills and the required skills profiles. Organisations and training providers from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece and Spain are working together to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Mapping and analysis of existing studies on digital skills
  • Establishing a framework for work-relevant digital skills in commerce and tourism
  • Developing an evaluation tool for organisations (tool with guidance)
  • Workshops for trainers of the participating organisations (to test the developed tools)Events to disseminate the results in all participating countries
    The main target group of the project are education professionals working with (future) employees in the tourism and retail sector who want to increase their knowledge and awareness of digital competences and their assessment.
  • The tool is set up and programmed in English and will then be translated into the national languages of the partner institutions. It is based on an open, modular platform and shows the current level of competence through interactive scenarios in which participants are confronted with different situations and have to apply their knowledge to solve problems.

Project partners

  • ipcenter (Austria, project coordination)
  • fit4internet (Austria)
  • Euro Consulting (Bulgaria)
  • Best Cybernetics (Greece)
  • i-Box Create (Spain)

Project duration

1.10.2020 - 30.9.2022

Click here to go to the DIGISETS project website.

This document has been prepared for the European Commission, however, it reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




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